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Veterinary Medicine

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Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers are vital to the success of Operation Catnip! Find out how you can get involved and help out your community!


Operation Catnip holds monthly clinics on Sundays throughout the academic school year at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital. Clinic days begin at 7:15 a.m. and last until the final cat has been reunited with their caregiver. We also appreciate volunteers who come Friday evenings to help set up for the clinic on Sunday.


View the clinic stations you could be assigned to.

Trap Depot

The Trap Depot is located behind Stillwater Animal Welfare and provides traps to colony caregivers for rent. Shifts begin one week prior to the clinic to distribute traps and continue one week after the clinic to collect traps. Shifts at the depot are two hours long.


Trap Team

Join the trap team Saturday night, prior to the clinic, to trap cats. Volunteers are divided into small groups to help trap colonies that have been reported in Stillwater and surrounding communities. Our Trap Team Coordinators will guide you as you learn more about our humane trapping techniques. We go out to these colonies for a few hours around dusk and would love to have you help us! You will not be required to help transport or store cats and we meet at the Trap Depot before we head out.


Coordinator Team

Are you interested in going beyond our clinics in your commitment to caring for cats? We are always looking for dedicated, cat-loving individuals to join our team of coordinators. Email indicating your interest in joining us and we will contact you with available positions and descriptions of each.

Please note that all positions are on a volunteer or as-needed basis and as such, some or all of them may not be available. The selection process typically takes place in February or March. Potential coordinator positions are:

  • Volunteer Co-Coordinator
  • Community Outreach Coordinator
  • Central Sterile Coordinator
  • Trap Team Coordinator
  • Caregiver Liaison
  • Records Keeper
  • Jr. Operations Manager
  • Food & Beverage Coordinator
  • IT Coordinator
  • PR Coordinator

New Volunteers

New volunteers need to complete the new volunteer application.

New Volunteer Application


Returning Volunteers

If you have already volunteered with us, sign-up for clinic day, trap depot shifts and trapping team. Please note, these sign ups will only be available and current ahead of an upcoming clinic.

Sign up for clinics

Sign up for Trap Team

Sign up for a Trap Depot Shift

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